Customs & Import Taxes

All product prices on are listed without custom duties, sales taxes, VAT or any other hidden fees. If your delivery address is within the UAE, you will be paying the regular 5% VAT on checkout. For all international customers with delivery addresses outside of the UAE, you will most probably need to pay taxes or duties on imported goods, depending on your countries tax regulation. Unfortunately, the rules differ in every country, and there is no way for us to know their customs, practices, systems, or laws. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what the total amount might be.

Customers are responsible for paying additional charges for taxes or customs clearance. When you have to pay import taxes and/or additional duties and sales taxes, you will have to pay that to the courier upon receipt of the package(s).

Please find out as much as you can about the import taxes in your own country before completing your order.